GO-AROUNDHarry Delaney is living the good life. He’s flying the airplane he loves. He’s able to spend time with his family on a regular basis. When he closes the hangar door at the end of the day and comes home, his wife and daughter are happy to see him. It’s taken him a long time to get to that, but it’s all good now.

It’s all good, that is, until two men from his past on the African continent show up at his front door. They come bearing tales of a scheme that could take Harry back to a time he and his business partner Mike Williams want to forget.

Despite his better judgement, Harry wants to say yes to the plan, but it would mean upending everything he has worked for. When Sasha, his wife, overhears their visitors’ crazy proposal and that Harry is considering it, she puts her foot down. In fact, she puts both feet down. They all go, or nobody goes.

That’s all right with Harry, because he thinks his family would like to visit some of Africa’s big game parks. Unfortunately for Harry, his wife, Sasha, has other ideas.

Third in the series after DEAD RECKONING and UNCHARTED.


Harry Delaney is back on the Horn of Africa, smuggling guns and falling in love while partying it up on a Nairobi R&R. When Kari, his latest love interest ends up in his desert camp, she saves a squad of his men during a shootout. The episode only serves to convince him she is the one. A DC-3 flight into Djibouti and revolution is a harbinger of problems to come as Harry’s men take their favorite hotel without firing a shot. Hawaiian shirts, dancing, and explosions put Harry on the warpath to avenge the loss of his one true love.

E-book available from all the usual suspects in the sidebar. Print book available from Amazon, too.

No Free Ride

Jim Nash is a private detective who has occasionally made his living on the shady side of the street. In his past, he has done off-the-book work for the Feds. One of those old jobs has returned to haunt him.

A women he long thought dead comes back into his life when she shows up at his office unannounced. He’s not real happy when he sees for himself the woman isn’t dead. Now, Lucky Lucy, as he calls her, is just another Fed looking for a sweet deal. This time, he’s got the paperwork all filled out. Until it’s signed, sealed, and delivered, he’s not going to do the work.

Jim’s partner, Maddie, isn’t happy, either. Neither is Luz. She almost kills the interloper when Lucky Lucy kidnaps Jim in an attempt to force him to go to work. All this before the contract with the Feds has even started.

A trip to Bimini, drug and people smugglers in the Keys, and an exploding fastboat all figure in the Nash crew’s latest adventure when it turns out to be No Free Ride.

E-book available from all the usual suspects in the sidebar. Print book available from Amazon, too.


Maddie Spence is supposed to be at home, helping her partner in the business, Jim Nash, write a report on their latest caper. She gets a call from a friend to ask for help with their missing daughter. Upon arrival, she learns it was a false alarm, and she and Friday head off into the night to return home. She makes a stop for coffee in Blue Springs, where a former nemesis is now imprisoned. Unbeknown to Maddie and faithful good boy Friday, trouble finds the pair before she can get a chance to taste that coffee.

Ebook available from all the usual suspects in the sidebar. Print book available from Amazon, too.


Jim Nash is back down Mexico way, and he’s not happy about it. That could be because he’s helping a friend track down a cold-blooded killer who also happens to be the woman’s daughter. It might be because he’s KOS-Kill On Sight-thanks to a narrow escape from cartel sicarios a number of years ago. Or, it might be because he’s dipped his fingers once again in stolen cartel cash, and he’s anxious to get home.

Whatever the reason, he’s finding himself knee-deep in bullets, bandits, and bodies, and he’s only just crossed la frontera.

E-book available from all the usual suspects in the sidebar. Print book available from Amazon, too.

No Way Out

No Way OutE-book available from all the usual suspects in the sidebar. Print book available from Amazon, too.

Frank Ross likes to spend the winter down on the Baja. Come spring, he heads north to start the bike rally circuit looking for work. When his ride breaks down 70 miles north of the Mexican border, he’s forced to take refuge in a Salton Sea ghost town. A friendly resident introduces Frank to some welcome home cooking and a place to stay. It quickly turns into old-fashioned loving.

When Kailey, his hostess, takes exception to Frank’s discovery of five keys of cartel coca stashed in her bedroom closet, she aims a loaded gun at his pack and pulls back the hammer. In the wrong place at the wrong time, Frank knows he has to hit the road, fast.

No fool to the vagaries of women, Frank hits the road with Tammi, a reformed pole dancer, riding bitch on the back of his ride. They’re headed for El Lay and the strip club circuit. Frank doesn’t know it, but he’s hell-bound for more trouble.

Mexico Time

E-book available at all the usual suspects in the sidebar. Print book available from Amazon, too.

Jim Nash is off the reservation, in more ways than one. His partner doesn’t know where he is, and for good reason. If she found out, she’d kill him if she got the chance, and he isn’t about to give her that chance—yet.

The plan was to make a quick trip down the Baja, retrieve something stored away for a future life, and return. To improve his odds, he picked up an armored van and a go-fast panga. An underage teen-age stowaway isn’t improving his outlook. She’s a distraction he doesn’t need, and looking out for her is challenging his patience. He has a plan to bring her into line, though, and it includes a one-way plane ticket.

Will any of Jim’s plans come to fruition? He doesn’t know, because unseen problems are on the horizon and will soon be demanding all of his attention. And he still has to get himself a thousand miles north to safety and another thousand to home. The quick trip is taking a lot longer than he thought it would.

Helping Santa

Retired detective Jim Nash and Good Girl Zelda get caught up in the Christmas spirit when his girlfriend talks him into doing a stint as a mall Santa on the day before Christmas. All goes well, even without any eggnog, until Santa’s old instincts kick in during a bank robbery. Jim and his faithful companion Zelda follow the robbers to the mall’s roof, where he learns the story of why the trio of thieves picked this particular bank. Christmas spirit is eventually restored and both Jim and Santa, followed by Zelda, return home to a crackling fire and news that will forever change every Christmas in his future.

Available for free at Amazon, Apple Barnes&Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, and Google Play Books.

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